Use Teletalk 3G sim on Grameenphone ZTE MF190 Usb modem stick + Send USSD command to teletalk tower through mwconn

Hello Reader,

If you are thinking about using Teletalk 3G sim on a Grameenphone ZTE MF190 Usb modem stick and a little wish to know sim BDT balance from PC using a application. I think i have a video which can help you.

Have a look on the video

Let me know if you have any question


1. How to open Device Manager Window

=> Go to Control panel and search for device manager.

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Filed under Uncategorized

RTL or RIGHT to LEFT fix on jQuery Horizontal Image Scroller w/ Lightbox


Please purchase the jQuery Horizontal Image Scroller w/ Lightbox script before read this hacking thing. I appreciate webtako’s script. webtako have done a gr8 job.

1. Collect the jquery.wt-scroller.min.js
2. Go to
3. Copy code from jquery.wt-scroller.min.js to‘s text box
4. Use ctrl+enter or use the button “Beautify JavaScript or HTML” to uncompress the code
5. Copy+paste the uncompressed code from’s text box to the existing jquery.wt-scroller.min.js file or a new js file
6. go to line # 488 or search for “left: this._pos” (for compressed, use “left:this._pos”)
7. make it “right: this._pos” or “right:this._pos”
8. open preview.css and go to line #30 under .wt-scroller .slides li
9. make float:right; to float:right;
10. add a ‘ dir=”rtl” ‘ on your <html> tag

If you can’t solve your RTL problem after that, please go to any freelance site, place a bid. I believe it will transfer your pressure.


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Filed under Javascript, jQuery

Error (#2148) Local XML file loading error Issue

First of all i have not enough word to thanks the blog owner of ( who have included some important information on loacl file loading. The magic line is  -use-network=false

You can read the post in this link. I am just adding 2 Flash Builder 4.6 editor image that how you can apply things at your end.

In summary, if you face any error to load local XML file on browser, specially in Google Chrome, you can do following things with your project.

1. Right Click on your project folder from Package Explorer and Select Properties.


2. Add the magic line “ -use-network=false” under Additional Compiler Arguments.



It would seem that this setting has to be made for each project.

Stupid security settings.

:)…..Best of luck with your projects.

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Filed under Flex, Flash Builder


Hi Visitor,

In my last project, i was told to search a way to trans-code a live RTSP stream to a live RTMP stream. RTMP the best option for the flash player live streaming display. There is Wowza [Greedy !!!] Media server which can help you to do that in exchange of tons of money.

But using FFMPEG and RED5 media server, you can do it easily. Let me describe you the steps in simple.

1. Install RED5 media server (I am using the latest version ex. red5-1.0.0-RC2)

2. Use the already installed live application of RED5 media server. The URL for the live will be “rtmp://localhost:1935/live”.

3. Now setup FFMPEG

4. As you get finished. call this line from command line

ffmpeg -i "[your rtsp link]" -f flv -r -s -an "[Your rtmp link]"

For example, i will wrote like this

ffmpeg -i "rtsp://localhost/live" -f flv -r 25 -s 640x480 -an "rtmp://localhost:1935/live/livestream1"

The above example will trans-code a RTSP live stream to a RTMP live stream as FLV format with 640 x 480 resolution and 25 frame-rate per second.


That’s it. Now try to play the livestream1 stream using flash player

Please remember that RED5 can’t handle Large size trans-coding. So please specify low resolution in ffmpeg trans-coding command.

Let me know your thoughts.


Filed under FFMPEG, Red5

Setup Red5 (0.9.1 Final) + FFMPEG on Centos 6.3 (64-Bit)

I am sorry to publish this post early. Working on the writings. But i already got success on it. You can knock me with question.


I know its kinda strange that on 2012 i am working on an old version Red5 0.9.1 Final (21 February 2010). Believe me, i am also thinking same till August 01, 2012. But not right now. Cause the stability and flexibility issue. My old red5 applications were not working on the new one. And my client was getting prepared to kick my butt. So for 2 month, i will stick on Red5 0.9.1 and will start my research work later.

If you are a new-bee on red5, this post will be helpful to you. And if you already carried a lot of honey, sorry i can’t help you.

Continue reading

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Filed under Red5